Yellow Alpine Skullcap
Late in the season, after the charming hooded blooms have faded, pairs of scallop-shaped, warmly colored seed capsules, resembling small inverted skullcaps, add intriguing detail to these Mint family members. Our easy-to-grow selections appreciate a sunny, quick-draining site, and happily mingle with medium-sized Euphorbias, Diascias and Nepetas.
Scutellaria alpina ‘Moonbeam’ (P-1226)
Each 11.00
The species originates in the mountains of southern Europe and Russia, and this ‘Moonbeam’s lush and low bushy mat of scalloped, ovate green-gray leaves is an excellent foil for its crowded clusters of light yellow blooms. Trailing stems turn upward and, at their tips, Snapdragon-like flowers form a four-sided raceme.
Requiring well drained soil and shade during hot afternoons, this little treasure goes well in a container, or in the rockery with Edraianthus graminifolius and Origanum libanoticum.
Blooms May–September.
Size: 10" high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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