Bleeding Heart
Treasured by all who behold them, Bleeding Hearts are ideal for the front of a border or a more relaxed setting such as a cottage garden or wildflower planting. These easily cultivated perennials appreciate ample shade during hot summers and flourish in well-drained humus-rich soil that’s not too wet.
Dicentra ‘Margery Fish’ (P-0912)
Each 13.25

With charm to spare, alabaster heart-shaped “lockets”, each inscribed by a small pink mark gracefully dangle from pendulous, branched sprays atop a soft-looking ferny hummock. This choice evergreen perennial easily naturalizes given a cool moist location, the fernlike delicacy of its deeply divided, smoky blue leaves belying their vigor.
Unparalleled in the shade garden, ‘Margery Fish’ becomes summer dormant when the soil is too dry, can be planted as a lacy counterpoint to Tiarella ‘Mint Chocolate’ or cut for a sterling addition to a bouquet.
Blooms April–May & again in fall.
Size: 10" high x 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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