Heron’s Bill

Sharing the same resilience and long summer blooming period as many of its Geranium cousins, this dainty low growing perennial hails from the Pyrenees. A pleasing dome-shaped clump entertains notched, finely divided hairy leaves and showy clusters of five-petaled magenta-hued flowers on numerous straight ultra-thin stems. Marked by darker blotches and rich rosy lilac shades, the saucer-styled blooms give way to prominent slender beak-like fruit, which eventually twists into two tight spirals, inspiring the genus name.
A marvelous light-on-its-feet contender for the rockery or a border’s foreground, Herons Bill detests too much water and easily flourishes in a sunny well-drained spot.
Blooms June–September.
Size: 18" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 6.
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