Gamma Grass
Bearing the name of two Spanish botanists who were siblings, Claudio and Esteban Bouteloua, these intriguing warm season perennial grasses have an aesthetic appeal and an historic past. Integral elements of the famed North American short grass prairies, otherwise called the Great Plains, Bouteloua are steadfast natives that belong to a large 40 member strong family, extending from Canada to Argentina.
Bouteloua gracilis ‘Hachita’ (G-0553)
Each 11.00
Originally selected by the USDA for its mighty drought-abiding persona, this small-statured narrow bladed grass was collected in 1957 on the semiarid plains south of Hachita, New Mexico. The alluring presentation of delicate reddish purple inflorescences morphs into glittery eyelash-shaped seed heads above a trim close-knit grayish green clump, belying ‘Hachita’s tough-guy reputation. Attractive to both birds and floral arrangers, Blue Grama Grass resents wet poorly-drained locales plus tackles Black Walnut roots, shallow rocky soil, air pollution and erosion. It nestles into the rockery or a more wild venue and forges a mowable lawn substitute.
Blooms June–October
Size: 12" – 20" high x 8" – 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 3.
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