These graceful members of the Poaceae family are named after Hakone, a region of Japan where they can be found growing wild in shady areas with humus-rich soil.
Each 12.25

A study in urbane simplicity, this vivid green grass fashions plush mounds of flowing bamboo-like foliage. Hakonechloa macra has often been overlooked, though its faster growing habit has a lot to offer, withstanding more sun, drought and cold than the variegated Hakones. Solidly colored blades offset striped, gold, bronze or broad-leafed plants to great effect, or meld with Buxus ‘Blauer Heinz’ for a meditative green-on-green composition.
Size: 12" – 3' 0" high x 12" – 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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